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We focus on our greatest opportunities for impact in the environment, our supply chain, as well as for health and well-being, people and communities. We are committed to transparency of our corporate responsibility strategies, programs, progress and governance.

Goals & Progress


Year Goal 2021 Actual 2022 Actual 2023 Actual
2024 Engage bottlers and select suppliers representing 50% of Scope 3 emissions to set a science-based target. 38% 36% 44%
2025 Obtain 100% of electricity from renewable sources. 50% 62% 74%
2030 Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by categories by 30%. 7% 9% 13%
2030 Reduce Scope 3 emissions in select categories by 15%. (23%) 3% 5%
2025 Improve our water use efficiency by 20%. 7% 7% 7%
2030 Partner with our highest water-risk operating communities to replenish 100% of water used in our beverages in those communities. 20% 49% 55%
2025 Convert 100% of packaging to be recyclable or compostable. 90% 92% 90%
2025 Use 30% post-consumer recycled content across our packaging portfolio. 22% 24% 24%
2025 Use 25% post-consumer recycled content in our plastic packaging. 2% 11% 18%
2025 Achieve a 20% virgin plastic reduction across our plastic packaging portfolio. 1% 6% 11%
2025 Send zero waste to landfill across our operations. 92% 92% 92%

Supply Chain

Year Goal 2021 Actual 2022 Actual 2023 Actual
ONGOING Responsibly source 100% of our coffee* 100% 100% 100%
ONGOING Responsibly source 100% of our cocoa* N/A 100% 100%
2030 Support regenerative agriculture and conservation on 250,000 acres of land. N/A N/A 11,296

Health & Well-being

Year Goal 2021 Actual 2022 Actual 2023 Actual
2025 Provide positive hydration in 60% of KDP’s US portfolio of products. 54% 56% 57%

People & Communities

Year Goal 2021 Actual 2022 Actual 2023 Actual
2025 Increase female representation in Director and above positions by 25% to 33% of the total. 26% 28% 31%
2025 Increase people of color representation in Director and above positions by 25% to 21% of the total. 17% 17% 18%

*2020 was our final transition year, with 82% of purchases of green coffee responsibly sourced through third-party certification or verification programs. By the end of 2020, all coffee contracted to be received going forward was 100% responsibly sourced. During 2021 and 2022, a small amount of coffee was received as conventional (0.38% and 0.36%, respectively) due to COVID-19 impacts, supplier error or shipping delays.

**2021 was our final transition year, with 81% of purchases of cocoa responsibly sourced through third-party certification or verification sourcing programs. By the end of 2021, all cocoa contracted to be received going forward was 100% responsibly sourced.

What We’re Doing

To advance our corporate responsibility strategy, we use credible standards, robust disclosures and intentionally designed roadmaps to set and measure progress of our corporate responsibility goals based on the tools and technologies available to us today.

Addressing corporate responsibility issues can be complex and requires scalable systems changes. We engage with stakeholders to develop and execute our corporate responsibility programs and progress. These collaborations and partnerships foster trust, elevate our performance, help to identify emerging trends and allow us to find solutions to shared challenges.

We also believe strong governance and oversight is the foundation for fostering a culture of integrity, transparency and responsibility. Our strong governance structures help to build trust with our consumers and generate sustainable business performance.

Our Pillars

Our corporate responsibility strategy focuses our efforts in areas we believe we can have the greatest impact over time and in collaboration with others.

We are committed to reducing our environmental impacts and restoring resources in support of a regenerative and circular economy. We partner to accelerate and amplify our efforts, supporting climate resilience across our value chain.

We aim to use our buying power for good through responsible sourcing actions in key supply chains. We focus our work with suppliers and a range of innovative partners around the world with the goal of improving livelihoods and supporting regenerative agriculture and conservation.

We strive to make a positive impact by offering a broad, well-balanced portfolio of quality products that is accessible to all consumers and marketed responsibly. We aim to understand root causes of health inequities and look for opportunities to address them through our portfolio and partnerships.

We are committed to creating an inclusive, high-performing work environment in which all employees feel supported and talent can thrive. We also engage locally by investing in meaningful social impact programs to build strong, vibrant communities.